Double-diploma courses
Welcoming international students on a double-diploma course
Double diploma between CPE Lyon and University of Wurzburg (Germany)
This double diploma concerns Chemistry – Process engineering studies.
After validating 4 semesters, the German students selected by the University of Wurzburg (Referent professor: Prof. Dr. Anke Krueger) will do their third and fourth year of studies in CPE Lyon.
Every student must validate 60 ECTS for each year.
At the end of year 3, the student does an initial internship of 4 weeks. After writing and submitting a report (memoire) on this internship, the University of Wurzburg will award their Bachelor’s degree.
At the end of year 4, the German students then do an engineering internship of 3 months (either in France or Germany).
They then return to Wurzburg to do their last 3 semesters in order to obtain the engineering diploma from CPE Lyon and a Master’s from Wurzburg.

Double-diploma between CPE Lyon – East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST)
This double diploma concerns Chemistry – Process engineering studies.
The Federation Gay-Lussac (FGL) is a French network of 20 chemistry and process engineering schools. In 2009, it created the « 3+3 » programme in partnership with the East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST) in Shanghai. This is a state university and one of the top 25 Chinese universities.
The « 3+3 » programme is a Chinese-French integrated study programme in chemistry / process engineering / environmental engineering / materials, based on studies in China and France according to the following organization:
- 3 years preparatory studies in ECUST in China,
- 3 years in CPE Lyon.
The Chinese students first do 3 years of studies in China. Then, after the decision by a joint ECUST-FGL jury, they enter the first year of engineering studies in one of the 20 schools in the FGL. At the end of this year and after validating an 8-week research project, the students are awarded their Benke (Chinese Bachelor’s degree) by ECUST.
After validating their 3 years in CPE Lyon, the title of CPE Lyon graduate engineer is awarded to the students. This diploma is equivalent to a Master’s.